Maanas Shiksha
2015 was the year Maanas SHiska got its own building and we began the formal education of children, with proper facilities and designated spaces. It was a moment of Joy for us as this space gave us the opportunity to conduct extra-curricular activities such as setting up of an arts centre, having a designated Sports ground. We participated in many external art and sports- competitions.
Our Independence Day with our Chief Guest Neeraj Sachdeva, MD, LakeForest Wines.
Annual- interglobe Mr GHosh, Hum Honge Kamyab theme. congratualiting the children on their fantastic performances in dance, music and gymnastics. The students blossomed under all this appreciation and felt deeply motivated to hone their talents further by rigoruos practcing in the future.
Republic Day and Independence day were celebrated with full vigor and energy, to inculcate the values of patritoisim and repect for our history in the hearts of the children. These values were further deepenedd by the celebration of festivals of different cultures such as raksh band- hand, diwali, Krishna Janmashtmi, and Christmas.
The year also came loaded with fun, with us organizing a trip to Kingdom of Dreams, where children learnt about the crafts from different parts of India, apart from indulging in fun activities such as Camel riding etc.
Birth of Maanas Dispensary
WE began the dispensary to provide basic healthcare to the children attending Maanas Shiksha but over a period of time began to offer diagnosis and basic healthcare to their families and the underpriviliged communities as well. We began the Dispensary with a General Practitioner.
Within a few months, an Eye Specialist joined our team and we began to conduct sight chekcs and even offer prescription glasses at subsisidised rates.
Soon we approached the Civil Hospitals to invite them to Maanas Dispensary to conuduct immunization at our facilities under the Government Vaccination programmes.
Through OutReach Programme
Grow Healthy: NAtional CHild Labor Prohrame by Governement – 1600 children health monitoring across different NCLP centres- health & vision Check up. Also counselling for mothers.
Stay Healthy and Age Happily: The underpriviliged working as domestic staff in high-rises in Gurgaon, find it difficult to take leave and go for health check-ups. To give them a helping hand, we conducted camps a______________________. Westend Heights, Ivy Towers, Heritage City, Hamilton Court. Blood test, medicine